Monday, July 12, 2010

China Here I Come!!!!!!

I AM SO HAPPY! We're going to china in 8 days!!!!!!!!!!! :D There's so much I need to do, I have no idea where to start! It's gonna be so much fun. Sorry I haven't been posting everything has been crazy. I've been babysitting, with my friends, and my 90 yr. old great grandfather came here from colorado and stayed with us for a week. Sadly, my cat died which drove my mother to the insane idea of getting two brand new 8 week old kittens, which i didn't want, but I ended up nursing and feeding them so now they think I'm their mom and follow me EVERYWHERE! Uhhhh.... Oh well! Life's busy now, welcome back summer!

Jie Jie <3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Its Over!!!!

OH MY GOSH! I cant believe that school is over wow it was so fast! I kinda miss it and my friends... Our family needs prayer right now, because my grandmom's adopted daughter, belle, is in the hospital with a heart problem. She had strep-throat which spread to her blood stream causing and infection around her heart, she is doing better and by the grace of God she didnt die and was at the hospital and being treated for this. Hopefully she'll be out soon!

Jie Jie <3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Time flies

This is the LAST week of school oh my gosh! It feels like it was only 2 months ago when i started. Im excited but I'm sad 2, because I'm not gonna c my friends anymore! I have like half days the whole week n i get to go to hershey park with my class =) . Anyways me n mom will probably be going to China before July is over I'm sooo psyched. China will be getting all our paperwork tomorrow and the will send us travel approval we are soo close.... yay!

Jie Jie <3

Thursday, April 29, 2010



Ahhhhh i want to SCREAM! I got my braces tightened owwwww i feel like i got smacked in the face with a hammer (sobs) lol... But i did have my mom dye my hair its really red now! its awesome! sorry i havent been on lately i have been pretty busy my friend Moriah came over, Ive been taking sign classes with my mom n stuff soo umm yep.... Still waiting on our travel date, hoping we can go late june! eek im so excited!!!!! Oh yeah, only like 3 weeks until school is over yayyyyy sooooo happy! Ok well i have to go numb my mouth now lol i have no idea how 2 =) BYEEEE!

Jie Jie <3

Monday, April 19, 2010


OMGosh WE JUST GOT OUR LOA!!!!!!!!! (letter of acceptance)!!! WOOHOO next is our travel date, and after that were off to China!!!!!! Yay I'm so psyched! Haha, my mom's like jumping up and down... she just found out a few minutes ago and she's already told like 5 people!!! She's rly happy, but its ok cuz i am too! We are hoping we will be going to China in July!!!! KK well I have to go calm down Mom before she has a heart attack lol byeee!!!

Jie Jie <3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sorry =)

Sorry I haven't been on in a really long time! I've been really busy... I haven't heard much about Jace, ugh come on China, I want him home! Hope we can travel in June!!! Me and mom are taking sign classes now =]

I'm so excited exactly 1 month and 13 days n I'm free from school YAY no more homework!!!! HAHA, anyways I just turned 14 woo hoo =] !!!! kk well im gonna do more homework ( homework isnt good cuz it kills trees ='( poor trees!!!! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? jk lol)

Jie Jie <3

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun Times

Not much news about Jace lately... but I can't wait to get him this summer! Anyway, I went to my aunt's house for a cookout to celebrate the first day of spring, it was a lot of fun! I played basketball, man-hunt, walked through a trail, and roasted marshmallows with my cousin, sister and friends.. haha I am so dirty right now and smell like a campfire =) ! I'm so excited to be able to have fun like that with Jace soon, it's kind of weird because its like I miss him but i never met him, in my mind he's already family and has been for a while now <3!

Jie Jie <3

Thursday, March 18, 2010

God is Good!!!

Just got back from school, ugh long day haha! We had chapel and a great pastor today, but what was really amazing was the man who sang and played piano for us. He is blind but he was amazing! It was very encouraging and made me happy to think sure it might be hard with Jace being deaf but God showed me when one door closes He opens another. I am so excited to see what He has planned for Jace and how he can use him to glorify God. Okay, I've got to do homework now fun, fun :)... Bye!

Jie Jie <3

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Journey to Jace

Welcome to my blog. This blog is about the journey to get my Di Di (little brother), Jace from China.
I am a soon to be 14 year old girl who doesn't know much about the whole adoption process and doesn't really care, I just want to see my little brother's face for the first time. I will be journaling about our journey to Jace, and would love for you to follow along.

My little brother is 3 years old and he is deaf. I took sign language courses with my mom a few years ago, but never really needed it until now. My mom's friend is adopting and by the grace of God, my mom stumbled upon a picture of this little guy and fell in love. We prayed about it and weeks later God chose for us to adopt him!

I have mixed emotions about this whole process I am a little afraid because I don't know if he will like me, but I am ecstatic at the same time. I have been praying for this for a long and I won't doubt God's choice through this once.

Jie Jie <3